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Oasis of Eternal Bliss

The scorched heat of the unmerciful sun, burning my burnt skin, but had to walk on, for I was in search of that elusive Oasis, in the midst of this eternal desert, ran away from the caged mindset of the house where I was born.

Had heard about this eternal Beatitude, not far away from home
As I walk this lonely arid place, in search of that Unseen

Part of my mind turning my feet towards from whence I came
Parched I was, thirsty I was, not a friendly sight in sight

Walked and walked, and walked a bit more
A mirage I could see, the hallucination of my Dream World

My mind getting weaker with each step, But my heart pulled me towards That
Then I tripped and got up and walked, till I tripped again, and the mind getting weaker and weaker.

Till I could no longer walk, lying in the sand I saw a horrid sight
Shriveled carcass of the departed, was this my fate, was this my fate
Strengthened my mind and gathered my will, again walked but not far
The mirage was still a mirage, Thought to myself will I ever make it.

Fell again on the flaming sand, but didn’t lose hope
Thence came an old man, was thin and lank and fresh as fresh

Pointing to those bones he said ‘Told them they should listen to me, as I know the Way’
Suddenly my spirit rose, told him to guide me to that Oasis
‘Followed your heart unto here, no effort shall go in vain
For those who are deluded and weak, by this fictious flames
Shall fall onto the sand, like a pack of sticks
From thence they shall arise again, to continue their journey
Look at the mirage and hear my words, It is as real as you believe to be’

And then he vanished in the air, from whence he came
I put my heart in his words, and with all I got, gave it a go

Looked at the mirage and said
Don’t deceive me no more for I have been following your path for a long time, through all the torture and still alive, with my devotion and the wisdom of my seer I have arose, to realize my dream which is as real as I have imagined it to be. For I shall not arise from whence I die, I shall drown in your ethereal ocean. Thy has been so evasive for that is how I think, I know now that Thou art omnipresent, I humbly command to reveal thyself, from where I shall sip from thine divine energy to free me from this burning Hades. Reveal thyself, Reveal thyself.

And Lo Behold! I am floating in this opalescent etheric beatitude, the multi colored rainbows, the glowing mountains, the sparkling ocean, Alas I am in my Paradise, My Dream World!

The Omnipresent spirit speaketh
‘Thou didn’t lose hope, thou has given up everything for Me, thou always believed in Me, Thou are very dear to Me, now thy shall never leave, now thy shall never leave!’

Posted by Dhruv Patel 8:36 PM  


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